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Projects & Careers

We'll update projects and career opportunities here from time to time, so keep an eye out! 

Last updated: Oct 2022

Individual Projects

Rethink AI

What is it about? 

  • A 3-month partnership to provide writing support for participants of the Future Fund’s AI Worldview Prize, where awards range from USD 15K to $1.5M

    • The plan is to become coauthors of multiple promising entries, so we have a reasonable chance to get a fraction of the reward pool

    • Substantial efforts are transferable among successful entries, such as literature review, understanding competition rules and landscape, etc. The partnership gains efficiency from this synergy

    • We provide value to our clients (coauthors) not just by directly raising the quality of their work (through proofreading for example), but also indirectly by providing accountability and support

  • Submission deadline is 23 Dec, we will know quickly whether this project is a success

  • Will brainstorm longer term plans conditional on success, at the minimum we can dissolve the partnership and split the money; if there is enough demand for AI worldview updates, we can do AI worldview as a service; or maybe we can discover more exciting things to do as a self-funded experienced working group!


Why do we think it is valuable?

  • “Risk from artificial intelligence” is #1 of the most pressing world problems. The global EA community is making enormous investments into this area. They can be made more effectively if under well-researched AI worldviews. Rethink AI has the potential to improve the epistemics of this line of work.


Who are we looking for?

  • All roles are open, marketing, author (client) coverage, research, knowledge management, operation, or any role you think is a good fit.

  • PIC: Jonathan Yan


What is it about? â€‹

  • Generocity advocates increased official development assistance (ODA) from Hong Kong, and is founded by our community member Larry Baum.​​


Why do we think it is valuable?

  • By joining other donors in the Official Development Assistance program, HK can help the world solve pressing problems including poverty, water supply and disease.


Who are we looking for?

  • Volunteers who are interested in expanding Hong Kong’s role in joining other developed regions to help the poorest people of the world

  • PIC: Larry Baum

Research Projects

Local EA Landscape Study

What is it about? ​

  • To create a database of Hong Kong organizations, including charities and companies, that are aligned with EA principles.


Why do we think it is valuable?

  • This is an essential part of figuring out the question “how exciting would EA be in Hong Kong”. Other questions include: what types of talents exist here, in quantity and quality? How does power work – what are the influential institutions in business and politics? Such questions will be studied in future projects.

  • We also think it is an essential step to figure out how we can engage with the local EA-adjacent organizations here, introducing local high-impact career opportunities, and more!


Who are we looking for?

  • PIC (Could be you!) and volunteers

Hong Kong Donor Study

What is it about? â€‹

  • To study the charitable habits of Hong Kong donors, such as their giving habits, perceptions of charity, proportion of donation over income, favored cause areas, population donation choices, etc.


Why do we think it is valuable?

  • Helps us better understand local donors, and potentially lead to an effort to build a community of effective givers, running donation/pledge drives, and more!


Who are we looking for?

  • PIC (Could be you!) and volunteers

Other Projects

Website Design

What is it about? â€‹

  • To make our website better!  

  • Can start with buidling a Community Spotlight page showcasing our community members achievements, milestones, personal or professional involvement in EA be it through their careers, projects, or donations.

  • More ideas are welcomed.


Why do we think it is valuable?

  • A quality website is essential to showcase reliable information on what EAHK, or EA in general is all about. 


Who are we looking for?

  • PIC (Could be you!) and volunteeers

Peer-to-Peer Book Swapping

What is it about? ​

  • We have a list of EA-related books (physical copies) within the community, and we should share them with each other! 


Why do we think it is valuable?

  • Improve accessibility to EA books for community members, increase engagement in EA ideas, and help people connect with each other.


Who are we looking for?

  • PIC (Could be you!) and volunteeers

Career Opportunities  

You will spend about 80,000 hours working in your career over the course of your life - it's one of the greatest ways you can make an impact. 

  • EA Training Board, where you can find some fellowships, reading groups, volunteer opportunities, and online courses to take.

  • Effective Thesis provides free mentoring and guidance for students from Undergraduate to PhD level, who are working on a thesis of any kind. 

  • 80000 Hours job board lists many high-impact roles, especially those at EA organizations; you can filter the opportunities for specific areas, role types, and locations. 

  • EA internships board lists high-impact opportunities for undergraduates.

  • Good Food Institute's Alt Protein career centre lists some high-impact job opportunities in the alternative proteins ecosystem.



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